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Stratera Circus is bringing award-winning physical theatre to the Blue Mountains this school holidays with their hilarious family show BOOP and kids’ intro to circus workshop!

On Wednesday 19 April the Blue Mountains Theatre stage will transform an everyday supermarket into a joyous world of balance, circus and Perspex! Including trolley races and terrifying stunts where a ragtag team of employees try to find their place in the world, travelling into existential spirals of absurdism!

Stratera Circus are a team of four acrobats whose joyous and adventurous show BOOP was born from a collaborative creative development process with at-risk youth.

“Through circus performances and extended community engagement programs we facilitate artistic opportunities for young people including those from vulnerable communities,” the troupe says.

Theatre Programs Coordinator, Yvonne Hellmers says the results won them a 2021 Gasworks Circus Showdown Adelaide Fringe Award.

“We are so excited to bring BOOP to families in the Blue Mountains,” Yvonne says. “The performers are also running a small group one-hour intro to circus workshop for eight to 12 year olds after the show which is sure to be an amazing experience.”

Stratera Circus says workshop participants will jump and run around in a fun and safe environment. “We play theatre games, teach creative acrobatics and let imaginations run wild all while getting up and moving to inquisitively explore the unfamiliar terrain of circus and physical theatre.”

Tickets for the show and workshop can be purchased here.