Film lovers the world over will unite to view and judge the work of the 27th annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival
More infoTEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED – a global platform for ideas that spark imagination, embrace possibility, and catalyse impact.
The TED movement includes luminaries such as Carole Dweck who introduced the “growth mindset” which is now a central piece of every educational narrative; Brené Brown who entered the world’s consciousness with her talk “The Power of Vulnerability” and Simon Sinek whose talk “Start with Why” has been watched over 35 million times.
TEDxSpringwood features speakers from within the local community and beyond. Each will present their unique ideas, across a diverse range of subjects that foster inspiration, wonder, and provoke conversations that matter – all under 18 minutes.
The theme of the day is “Community” and speakers are challenged to apply that lens to their talk, whether it is about medical innovation, learning from history or changing the world.
It will be a full day of expansive and creative thinking. There is nothing quite like experiencing TEDx.
The story behind TED and TEDx
TED began back in 1984 as a conference where speakers present their ideas that centred around Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED). Decades later, TED has evolved to encompass everything from science and business to education, arts, and global issues. Each year TED gives a platform for ideas that spark imagination, embrace possibility and catalyse impact.
TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and present talks that resonate with TED's philosophy that “ideas change everything.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events. These events are organised by passionate individuals who seek to uncover new ideas and to share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their communities. TEDx events are organised independently under a free license granted by TED. They are not controlled by TED, but event organisers agree to abide by TED’s guidelines and its format: short, carefully prepared talks, demonstrations and performances that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects to foster inspiration and wonder – and provoke conversations that matter - all under 18 minutes.
It’s more than football
Leah reminds us that sport is not just games. It is character, collaboration, leadership and resilience. In an environment where young people suffer anxiety and depression in increasing numbers, the strengths built on the field can be relied on, off the field.
Leah Blayney made her Matildas debut at the age of 16. She is the first female head coach in Australia to take a youth team to two consecutive World Cups and the only female in Australia to have played for Young Matildas & now coach them. She is the current Young Matildas Head Coach , Future Matildas Program Technical Lead & U/23 Assistant Coach.
*TEDx Studio Talk*
Due to sporting commitments on the day, Leah's talk will be pre-recorded on-location and shown live for the first time at this event
ANGIE BEIFUS Mining Analyst
The Mining Paradox
When we think about mining, what comes to mind? Is there an emotional response? Angie dives into the strong links our industrialised society has to mining and mining heritage, and makes a strong case for the reliance on the digging.
Angie Beifus works as a global mining and metals analyst for a professional services firm. She writes and presents on the major trends in the mining & metals sector as well as a range of commodity markets.
MONICA LUNIN Communications Consultant
Speaking with purpose, on purpose
Monica uses some of the greatest orators of our times to explore what it is to lead well at moments of crisis. She breaks down the underlying components and urges us to use a similar strategy to lead and influence in our communities.
Monica Lunin is a prominent thought leader in leadership and communication, renowned for her transformative approaches to enhancing persuasion and influence. She is the author of the award-winning book What She Said, and as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, Monica has inspired countless professionals with her practical insights and dynamic delivery.
Miles Merrill Poet
Miles is a writer, performer, facilitator and event coordinator who combines poetry with theatre, experimental audio, hip-hop beats, stand-up and, occasionally, political confrontation. He will present some new work, written specifically for a TEDxSpringwood debut.
Miles Merrill introduced poetry slam to Australia, co-wrote and co-directed 'Slamming for the Sydney Festival' and performed with UK DJ Billy Bizniz at the Sydney Opera House. Originally from Chicago (birthplace of slams), Miles now resides in the Blue Mountains.
GILL NICOL Contemporary Art & Audience Consultant
Contemporary art can be good for you
Does modern art confound you? Are galleries places of apprehension rather than invitation? Gill will introduce you to contemporary art and art spaces in a way you’ve never envisaged. With decades of global experience, Gill will open your eyes and mind to a new passion.
Gill Nicol has over 30 years of experience working across the arts and cultural sector in the UK and Australia. In 2015 she moved from the UK to be Director Audience Engagement, MCA Australia, She has spoken about access, diversity, wellbeing and the social role of museums at events and conferences in Naples, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Sydney and Melbourne. Her approach is one of care, kindness, empathy and respect.
JOSHUA PATE Physiotherapist
De-mystifying Pain
A PHD Pain Researcher at UTS and a children’s educator, Josh seeks to help us all understand pain and its different characters. With an entertaining and high energy style, Josh expands our understanding of pain from physical damage to a host of other factors.
Dr Joshua Pate is a senior physiotherapist and senior lecturer in pain neuroscience, leading a program of paediatric research and pain studies with collaborators all around the world. He loves sparking ‘Aha!’ moments and helping kids and their families understand and optimise their health.
RJ SINGH Growth Specialist
Conquering Addiction: Redefining Identity Through Struggle
A mix of personal experience and stories from the community, RJ weaves a narrative that is at once alarming, engaging and ultimately hopeful for the futures of those carrying addictions.
RJ Singh is a dynamic entrepreneur and visionary leader in the realm of business growth and innovation. He spearheads initiatives aimed at transforming companies into industry leaders through strategic investments and mentorship. RJ is also the creator of the acclaimed UltraGrowth Podcast, where he engages with thought leaders and pioneers to uncover the secrets of sustained business success and personal growth.
Christopher Smith Bibliotherapist
How shared reading impacts loneliness
Social isolation is becoming increasingly common, across all demographics. Chris expertly knits together history, social inclusion and good stories in this clever and insightful talk. Can the simple act of coming together to read help change lives and make things better?
Christopher Smith was trained as a facilitator by The Reader Organisation in Liverpool, UK. The positive experiences he's encountered has made him a passionate advocate for shared reading, driving him to share it with as many communities as possible across Australia. Christopher was recently awarded Blue Mountains Citizen of the Year for 2024.
LARA STALQUIST People and Culture Leader
Bridging the People Gap
These days, complaining seems to be a global pastime. The intersection between the mindset of complaint and plans for change is what Lara calls ‘the people gap’. What can enable us to get from where we are to where we need to be, with everyone still engaged?
Lara Stalquist is a dynamic people and culture leader, C-Suite executive and entrepreneur with 25+ years experience. She has led people teams and cultural transformations across a range of businesses within Australia and the USA. Lara is passionate about making the complex simple, igniting the greatness in people and cultivating conscious leadership to create thriving workplace communities and leaders.
JENNY STEADMAN Leadership Consultant and Survivor
Ending the silence around sexual violence
Does society ask victims of sexual abuse to suffer twice? As long as sexual violence remains a taboo topic, victims and survivors suffer again and again as they struggle to speak out, to report or even to heal among the hush. How do we remove the stigma and support rather than silence survivors?
Jenny Steadman is a company director, leadership consultant, mother, wife, keynote speaker, and meditation teacher. Her life journey also includes navigating the challenges as a victim survivor of childhood sexual abuse. She founded the Wisdom of Survivors project, gathering stories and insights from those who have made significant progress in their healing, to support those in need.
GLORIA TABI Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialist
How Historical Lies Affect Our Hair Today
Is everyday racism just a black and white issue? What if we looked at it differently?
When we begin to see racism through a historical lens it paints a very different, and surprising picture.
Gloria Tabi finds the perfect metaphor in afro hair for her insightful look at the Black African experience in the world.
Gloria Tabi is the author of Inclusive Teams & Workplaces: Everyone Wins!, and Co-founder of VoiceEverydayRacism an online platform giving a voice to those on the receiving end of racism. Her research specialises in the social analysis of inequalities, racism and anti-racism at Western Sydney University.
TOM WALKER Journalist
What we don't know about our hometowns
A man on a trail of discovery, Tom Walker is one of many young men who grew up experiencing life through a computer screen, communicating through an XBox and social media. A surprising request from his editors began a journey of discovery into the community of the Blue Mountains.
Tom Walker is a journalist with a local community newspaper, and is a lifelong local to the Blue Mountains. He has degrees in Journalism and International Studies from UNSW, and has written for publications including the Oberon Review, the Mudgee Guardian, and the Lithgow Mercury.
TEDxSpringwood is a full day event, running from 10am-5pm.
It is a filmed, live event for the purpose of producing TEDxSpringwood speakers’ videos for TEDx.
There are 4 sessions of 3 speakers each, with coffee/tea breaks* and a 90-min lunch break* in between.
*Please note meals and drinks are not provided as part of your ticket.
All attendees will be contacted closer to the event if they would like to take up options of pre-ordering a lunch or purchasing a dinner ticket.
Attendees will also be contacted with further information on the running order of the program and important event information prior to the event.
Full day event | FRI 6 SEPT - 10am - 5pm |
Tickets | $120.00 |
Group 5+ (each) | $100.00 |
Booking fee | $3.90 - A one-off booking fee applies per transaction. This is regardless of the number or value of items purchased. |